Monday, February 11, 2008

Can Mike Huckabee win the GOP nomination?

this is for all the nay sayers and the doubtful. Mike Huckabee has the entire election been called"the man without a chance" or "he is crazy, and this is nonsense". Though he keeps coming back time and time again from the grave,I mean he won Iowa when he was out spent 20 to 1. He was also down in every poll by atleast 3 to 5 points on super tuesday,but he came back to win just about all those states. Given his rivals a hard fought battle in OK, and MI. So I just want to show those folks who want support a true conservative that he does have a chance since Rommney drop out. By the way for those of you who think Huckabee should have drop out for Mr.HairJob you should know that every poll said that Huckabee supporters 2nd choice was McCain.


Anonymous said...

Mr.Huckabee,needs to get more air time.Get a major sweep of his name and face on tv,radio and in print within the states that are left to go. If not it is over.Then it's "God help us".Then we will be back to the choice of The Lesser Of Two Evils, just as it has been for the last four elections.