Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Thank you,I'm sorry

I like to first to comment on my lack of bloging over the last month or so. I'm sorry and I hope to never to let that happen again. For those of you who have been faithful and check every now in then I ask you continue to do so,but also I wish for more new memembers as well. From here on out expect full attention from me on my blogging and the best carolina politcs fix on the net. Thank you for hanging in there and staying with me.


Anonymous said...

It's about time.Glad to see you back.

totustuus said...

i was going back through all the blog links i had posted on my huckabee blog.Which to this day is STILL a huckabee blog.

Your blog is awesome.Love the theme you used as well as the content.
I have been doing as much as possible to get the word out for ppl to support Mike for VP.Now the crunch is on because reports are McCain will make the announcement the 29th.I was hoping the Mike for Pres Coalition would stick closer together but it seems as time went on-the enthusiasm waned somewhat.
Like to keep that going.Mike for VP in 2008 or Pres in 2012!!