Sunday, December 9, 2007

Graham Standing Up for North Carolina

I hope that you will take away from this video the message that we truely can make a difference by standing up and working hard together to bring about change. Please visit Bill Graham's website at


victoria said...

Iam glad to know that there is someone out there like Fred Smith.
If we don't stand up when we see our people are in need, then tell me who will.We need to stand up and do something about the gas prices in our state and then others can fellow.Better to lead by example than to have our a**es handed to us by foreign oil companies.

Anonymous said...

Do you mean Bill Graham? Graham led the gas tax fight and this video is about him.

Carolina Voice said...

Well anonymous I did say in my post that this video is Bill Graham and that you should go to his website so I don't see why you posted your comment its right in the post about who I was talking about sorry you missed that point. But I'm very glad you posted and I hope you come back and soon!

victoria said...

I believe that anonymous may have been addressing me, about my comment. You are right anonymous.I did type the wrong name it is Bill Graham,I am sorry for the confusion.

Anonymous said...

Sorry carolina voice, I was adressing victoria.