Note: This is a little piece of satire for all of us who have had to sit and listen to a horrible speech made by a republican.You can switch it for a democrat to suit your needs. By the way this is not a formal statement extending my belief that God is really a democrat. Please take this lightly and with a bit of fun hearted spirit.
As you pack yourself into the crowded Reagan Theater, with people from suits to tie-dyed shirts, you begin to think you’re going to hear just another “we can all be special” speech from a person who isn’t too special in the first place. Your mind slowly starts to brace itself for the next hour of brain numbing bored-ness. You can also see it on the other blank faces that fill the sea of disenchantment. Then your mind starts to try and trick it’s self into believing it can’t be to bad, it’s only an hour and that you can tough it out. Suddenly your shaken from your own despair by a loud voice stating “The Lt. Governor will just be a few minutes late”. Perfect, it’s not bad enough you’re going to suck my life out of me for the next hour but now you’re late? Again you start to drift off and begin to imagine how the other blank faces must be feeling, it’s obvious they can’t be much better off than you at this point.
The door opens and you’re brought back to reality and you see that Mr. Gary Herbert is now taking the stage after the shaking of the hands and the fake smiles are over. Now here it comes, the moment you were trying to escape for the last twenty minutes has arrived. Not only will this be pointless but also it has to be at least somewhat harmful to your health. He begins with the usual remarks of its nice to be here and some corny joke about why he was late, but you sense an extra plainness and vanilla-ness that even you wouldn’t have thought possible. Was it you or was everyone else feeling a little more cheapen by a not so inspirational, inspirational speech? He continues with the very poorly written speech that his press office had to have forgotten to proof read. All you hear now is the occasional “you are the future” and “you can make a difference” lines that all political folks like to feed you. More and more you think it has to be ending soon or is this some sad joke your political science professor is playing on you by asking you to attend for extra credit? You would now hope and pray that there was something at the end of this dark rainbow to make it worth it, that this cant be just for kicks. Is there a point or is this guy really an under cover torturer who gets off grinding college kids till they break?
“In closing I like to thank…”; no thank you for an hour worst than a public telethon on a Friday night. As the golf claps fade away and the crowd rushes the door, you start to think God must be a democrat for how could he let anyone go through that hell for an hour. While you walk out the door to sweet freedom the only question you have now is, which one is the big guy up the stairs pulling for, Hillary or Obama in the fall?
Thursday, April 24, 2008
“God Must Be A Democrat”(take this lightly its only poltical satire)
Posted by
Carolina Voice
1:46 PM
Friday, April 18, 2008
Poll: Mixed Results on Race, Gender, Age in Presidential Election
Elon, N.C. — Most North Carolina residents say race, gender and age will not have an impact on their vote in the upcoming presidential election.
But more than half of respondents in the latest Elon University Poll say they know someone whose decision will be tied to at least one of these characteristics.
Ninety-one percent of those surveyed said race does not make a difference in how they vote; 79 percent said a candidate's gender makes no difference; and 66 percent said they do not factor age in their decision.
But when asked if they knew someone who would not vote for a candidate based on those attributes, 64 percent of respondents said they knew someone who would not vote for a woman; 54 percent said they knew someone who would not vote for a black candidate; and 44 percent said they knew someone who would not vote for someone they'd consider "too old."
The candidate most identified to be favorable or extremely favorable was Republican Sen. John McCain with 52 percent, followed by Democratic Sens. Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton with 49 and 44 percent, respectively.
While race, gender and age reportedly have minimal effects on voting decisions, the top three qualities citizens say influence their votes were experience, exaggerated statements and personality.
Governor's Race
In the race for N.C. governor, the competition between Democrats Beverly Perdue and Richard Moore will likely come down to voters who have yet to choose a candidate. The two are tied in terms of approval – 31 percent of citizens say they approved or strongly approved of the candidates – but 40 percent remain undecided.
Republican Pat McCrory has a 29 percent approval rating, the highest of candidates in his party. Nearly 60 percent of voters have yet to pick a favorite in the GOP gubernatorial primary.
Senate Race
More than half of voters surveyed approved of the job Senator Elizabeth Dole is doing. She had a 56 percent satisfaction rate and is running unopposed for the Republican nomination.
The Democrats in that race are not as familiar to the voters. 58 percent had not formed an opinion about State Senator Kay Hagan; 62 percent said the same about investment banker Jim Neal.
The poll, conducted April 13-17, 2008, by the Elon University Institute for Politics and Public Affairs, surveyed 543 North Carolina residents. It has a margin of error of 4.3 percent.
The sample is of the population in general and does not restrict respondents by their voter eligibility or their likelihood of voting in an election.
Posted by
Carolina Voice
4:45 PM
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
GOP polling numbers for North Carolina governors race
Raleigh, N.C. – Pat McCrory continues to hover around a ten point lead in the
Republican race for Governor, according to the newest survey from Public Policy
McCrory is at 34% in the poll, followed by Fred Smith at 25%. Bill Graham, Bob Orr,
and Elbie Powers are lagging further behind at 6%, 5%, and 0% respectively. 52% of
voters continue to report that they could change their minds between now and the
“Because so many voters are not firmly committed to a candidate, there is still an opening
for Fred Smith to make a move here,” said Dean Debnam, President of Public Policy
Polling. “But the clock is ticking and Pat McCrory is likely to win without a runoff if
Smith doesn’t start doing something new soon. Lee Greenwood and barbecue are not
going to win you a statewide election in 2008.”
In addition to his customary huge lead in Charlotte, McCrory also has the advantage in
the Triad and the Triangle. Smith’s areas of strength are down east and in the mountains.
(Credit to PPP. April 15th,2008)
Posted by
Carolina Voice
2:25 PM
So what do you think of the mayor? I like to see what others think of him and his chances against Mrs.Perdue in Nov? I have to say I was a Fred Smith type of guy at first,but now that it seems he want win in the May primary,whats one to do? Hang on for hope of Fred pulling an upset or jumping ship to help Pat to win the general? I have to say the republicans have had some great canidates this year and I think any of them would make a fine governor for North Carolina.
Posted by
Carolina Voice
2:22 PM
Thank you,I'm sorry
I like to first to comment on my lack of bloging over the last month or so. I'm sorry and I hope to never to let that happen again. For those of you who have been faithful and check every now in then I ask you continue to do so,but also I wish for more new memembers as well. From here on out expect full attention from me on my blogging and the best carolina politcs fix on the net. Thank you for hanging in there and staying with me.
Posted by
Carolina Voice
2:10 PM
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Thursday, March 6, 2008
North Carolina Lottery-The Real Story
By clicking the title above,this video from the New York Times(not a conservative,lottery hating people)shows the real pit falls of a "too good to be true fix" to education. As you will find only 35% of the actually money from the lottery reaches schools. Another 50% goes to over head and prizes,not to mention the lottery is raising its prizes every few months. They say this is to get more people to play but what it really does is just take more of the money from schools. The numbers for the lottery's first year and the years to follow were 1.2 billion dollars a year,but in reality was only 225.77 million the first year and the following year was still below the 1.2. billion estimate giving to us by the "lottery fixes all" crowd. I remember when the lottery was passed back in 2005(though the first ticket wasn't sold till 2006)the dark cloud it brought with it. The only way the lottery was passed was by false statements and down right dirty politics. They sent the Assembly home with the promise they were done for the session,only to call them back a week or so later to shove the lottery bill through in the last minute. The proponents knew that two legislators would not be present because one was getting married and the other was going in for surgery. Even with these two missing it still ended up a tie vote,but not for the benefit of the people of North Carolina the law is,if there is a tie vote in the senate then then Lt.Governor can break the tie. As they say the rest is history and North Carolina was hoodwinked into having a lottery. I always said "if they're that dirty to pass it,how good of a chance do you have to win it".
Posted by
Carolina Voice
1:18 PM
Smith: Perdue plan 'hypocritical'
Fred Smith says Beverly Perdue's public-financing plan is "hypocritical."
The Republican gubernatorial candidate told Dome that he objects to her plan to create an endowment to fund positive campaigns for governor and reduce the influence of contributors.
"She is the picture child of the politician who goes to the rich and powerful and raises money using her political position," he said.
He said that Perdue has "shaken down" donors such as country music singer Randy Parton and run ads attacking Democratic rival Richard Moore.
Smith, who has loaned his campaign $1.9 million so far, said he would be willing to make an agreement on personal spending in the general election, avoiding negative ads and holding debates -- three things Perdue's plan would promote.
"If I'm the nominee and she's the nominee, I'd be happy to make a deal with her that there would be no negative ads," he said. "I'll debate her anywhere, any time, and I'll agree to any rules on using personal money. We can do that without having some government program."
Posted by
Carolina Voice
12:57 PM
Thursday, February 28, 2008
1st TV Ad -- Richard's Agenda for North Carolina
Well lets see how the Dems are doing on tv ads? I have to say that the dems are fighting like cats and dogs. Hopefully they will tear each other apart so that the Republicans can win and put this state on the right track again. though I have to say if i was wanting a dem over another I think Moore is the right one.
Posted by
Carolina Voice
1:55 PM